This prayer page is a place of sincere, deep, and meditative prayer for babies worldwide. Families with premature, ill, or very sick babies are invited to send their prayer needs and a picture, if possible, of the baby to be placed on this page. Women contemplating having an abortion vs. choosing life for their baby are asked to share their difficulties in making that decision. Any woman or family member experiencing a crisis or high-risk pregnancy is invited to share their prayer needs. This is a place of prayer not counsel. All that is needed to receive our prayers is to tell us what you are going through.
This page is a prayer network of churches, Christian organizations, prayer sites, prayer groups, and loving individuals walking in Christ’s light established to pray fervently. We will PRAY LIKE HANNAH DID, for each and every baby, mother, or family member that is added to this page. The people who create this network know how powerful prayer is and that it works. We invite you to pray with us. Prayer changes situations. Prayer changes lives. Through prayer miracles happen.
We do not know God’s plan and accept however He answers our prayers, but we do believe He answers us just as He answered Hannah. She was told she would never have a child, but she did not accept that. She prayed for and was given a son who she named Samuel.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Pray for Mighty Maggie Maybee!
This is my prayer: “Father, you are good. You are mighty. You are in control. You are compassionate. You are love. You are sovereign. Lord, I don’t understand Your plan sometimes. I don’t want to lose Maggie. I don’t want my brother and Joy to hurt and I don’t want to be out of control. Father, I don’t trust you as I should and I repent of my lack of faith. Lord, please help me to trust you more. Please help me to remember that you formed Maggie and You know exactly the number of her days. Give Stephen and Joy rest and comfort and healing from their sorrow. Lord, teach us to trust you. Thank you for giving your own Son for me and my sin. Allow me to remember your sacrifice daily. Convict me to live for you that I may be with You in glory soon.
Little Maggie needs our prayers. She was born prematurely with health issues and has had good days and bad days since birth as usual with the NICU roller coaster. Yesterday was not a good day. Her doctors are concerned her liver is failing and she has been requiring more oxygen in the past two days. Her liver is a list of many other organs that are not functioning properly. Please pray for Maggie and pray for her parents as they face this extremely difficult battle.
Her father's beautiful prayer:
As always, your prayers are coveted. Prayers for peace and comfort are greatly needed but prayers for miracles won't be turned away either.
All my love and prayers are being sent to this precious baby and family!