This prayer page is a place of sincere, deep, and meditative prayer for babies worldwide. Families with premature, ill, or very sick babies are invited to send their prayer needs and a picture, if possible, of the baby to be placed on this page. Women contemplating having an abortion vs. choosing life for their baby are asked to share their difficulties in making that decision. Any woman or family member experiencing a crisis or high-risk pregnancy is invited to share their prayer needs. This is a place of prayer not counsel. All that is needed to receive our prayers is to tell us what you are going through.
This page is a prayer network of churches, Christian organizations, prayer sites, prayer groups, and loving individuals walking in Christ’s light established to pray fervently. We will PRAY LIKE HANNAH DID, for each and every baby, mother, or family member that is added to this page. The people who create this network know how powerful prayer is and that it works. We invite you to pray with us. Prayer changes situations. Prayer changes lives. Through prayer miracles happen.
We do not know God’s plan and accept however He answers our prayers, but we do believe He answers us just as He answered Hannah. She was told she would never have a child, but she did not accept that. She prayed for and was given a son who she named Samuel.

Friday, August 19, 2011
Cody & his mom Kim
"thank u for helping those mothers didnt know about u when we were there, sometimes when we have days like today. I wish i was still there with all the nurses so when he crashed all i had to be was the worried mom but now we are at home and I have to be mom and nurse to Cody. He decided to crash on us this morning so we had to bag him at least 10 min to even get color back to him. It is not an easy thing to do when it your baby's life in your hands. Please pray for him, we had to stay most of the day back on his vent to let his lungs rest. We see tomorrow where to go when I call dr with report how the evening and night went."
-Kim (mom)
Please pray for this family as they face a very difficult road with their little Cody.
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